The state Division of Water and Waste Management has free
training scheduled for the following dates for the regulated community and
consultants who are required to submit certain water resources permit
applications and discharge monitoring reporting (DMR) electronically to the
DWWM. The training will be conducted at the state Department of Environmental
Protection headquarters, located at 601 57th St, SE, Charleston, WV 25304.
The dates are:
September 26, 2013 Thursday
ePermitting 10:00
am to 12:00 pm
September 26, 2013 Thursday
eReporting 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
October 7, 2013 Monday
ePermitting 10:00
am to 12:00 pm
October 7, 2013
eReporting 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
October 31, 2013 Thursday
ePermitting 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
October 31, 2013 Thursday
eReporting 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
To reserve a spot for the above training, contact either
Mavis Layton at,
(304) 926-0499, ext. 1025; or Megan Smith at, (304) 926-0499,
ext. 1281. E-mail is preferable.
The WV Environmental Training Center is hosting DEP
Training in the Bridgeport area around the end of November/early December 2013
instead of Morgantown as previously mentioned.
Check the website calendar in a month or so for actual date and sign up with them.