EPA has published its list of areas that it proposes designating as not attaining compliance with fine particle (PM 2.5) air quality criteria. Once nonattainment designations take effect, the state and local governments will have three years to develop implementation plans outlining how they will attain the standards by reducing fine particle concentrations.
While WV had proposed only the Charleston metro area (Kanawha and Putnam Counties) and Steubenville-Weirton (Brooke and Hancock Counties) for nonattainment, EPA has responded with a proposal to designate several areas for nonattainment. The areas proposed, and the basis for the proposal, can be found in an August 18 letter from Region III Administrator Donald Welsh. They include Charleston, Huntington-Ashland, Morgantown, Parkersburg and Steubenville-Weirton. Information about the PM 2.5 designations in Region III can be found on the EPA website.
The fine particle standard was changed in 2006 from 65 ug/cubic meter to 35 ug/cubic meter, while the annual standard remained the same at 15 ug/cubic meter .
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