I few days back I wrote about why coal combustion waste is not a hazardous waste, a designation that many different administrations and Congresses have refused to change. For another opinion on the subject, one that is particular to West Virginia, you can see this article by Cindy Rank. Cindy has a well-deserved reputation for being an effective and dedicated opponent of mining in WV, spending years attending hearings, filing comments, and otherwise participating in the regulatory process to change hearts and minds about industry practices. She is knowledgeable about the coal industry in WV, as this article shows.
I believe Cindy has overstated the dangers posed by CCW in WV, although I do not have room for a point-by-point rebuttal at this time. However, I would certainly differ with her on a crucial point - the perceived toxicity of coal combustion waste. I think the Environmental Council of States has taken the right approach - such waste does not pose the sort of danger that would merit designating it as a hazardous waste. This letter from ECOS explains why states believe regulation of CCW should remain with the states.
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