Websites that trash the coal industry, and coal burning power plants, seldom detail how they intend to get to a place where reliable electrical energy is provided by something other than coal. Generally you see vague pronouncements about the need for more energy efficiency, but nothing that explains how you'd replace the one-half of US generating capacity that's provided by coal.
Greater energy efficiency is sorely needed, and the Bush administration can be fairly faulted for not emphasizing it. More reliable and better alternative generation sources are in short supply. Fortunately, there are people and companies out there scrambling to fill the need for more efficient products and generation options. And there are a number of websites that do a good job of reporting on the advances that are taking place. Take, for instance, Treehugger. You don't have to buy into the story about climate change bringing on the next world war to appreciate the stories about new products that are making their way to the market, and some flinty-eyed analysis as to why some are promising and others merely hype. Or Ecogeek, which promises 10 stories a day about how technology can help save the planet.
We can do better as a society, but it won't be by simply dismissing coal-generated power. It will involve lots of people making disparate contributions - including coal miners.
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