My colleague Anne Blankenship reports that EPA has issued a press release announcing its proposed rule to require annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting for suppliers of fossil fuels or industrial greenhouse gases, manufacturers of vehicles and engines, and facilities that emit 25,000 metric tons or more of GHGs per year. Under the proposed rule, the first annual report would be submitted to EPA in 2011, for the calendar year 2010, except for vehicle and engine manufacturers, which would begin reporting for model year 2011. I have attached a copy of the fact sheet for the proposed rule. Documents, including the preamble and the text of the rule, both quite large, can be accessed from this link. CNN Money has a story about the proposed rule, and you can find more about it here from the Associated Press
There will be a public comment period on the proposed rule for 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register.
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