The California Energy Commission is considering mandating that TVs sold in California use 50% less power beginning in 2013. According to the Commission, TVs use 10% of electric power in California, so 50% improvement in efficiency could mean significant savings.
I like the approach of letting states set some of their own standards. If it works, great, if it doesn't, we're not all tied to it, as we are when a federal rule is adopted. Admittedly, adopting a standard like this is likely to increase the cost of TVs in California, at least in the short run. And since California is such a huge market, it could result in higher costs for everyone, if TV manufacturers decide to make only one type of set that can be sold in California and elsewhere. Add to that the fact that the turnover in TVs will probably be slower than expected, delaying the date when the full energy savings will be available. But overall, this limited type of technology-forcing experiment is better done in the states than nationally.
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