I keep hearing references to a bill being proposed by Henry Waxman, a very liberal and ambitious Dem. congressman from California, that would introduce any number of new regulations and requirements into our economy in the interest of forestalling the effects of climate change. I don't usually write about expected legislation - too much can change in a short time to get in an uproar over proposals - but Waxman is a force to be reckoned with, and I get the feeling that he is reflecting the pent up enthusiasm of the environmental community that feels it's their turn to implement policies they've been denied for the past 8 years.
The Wall Street Journal reported on a "discussion draft" of more than 600 pages that would substantially reorder the economy in a way designed to reduce the effects of climate change. It reports that "Right off, the bill mandates that 25% of U.S. electricity come from wind, solar, geothermal or biomass by 2025. Sorry, nuclear doesn't count. This kind of renewable portfolio standard directly contradicts the putative flexibility of cap and trade, which is supposed to allow businesses to reduce CO2 how and where it is least expensive. "
This blog suggests that the bill would expand citizen suits to
" permit anyone, absolutely anyone, to sue the government as victims of global warming and in anticipation of suffering as the result of global warming . . . Waxman-Markey have opened the door wide to a deluge of lawsuits that have no merit whatever in scientific fact or truth. As reported in The Washington Times, “The measure sets grounds for anyone ‘who has suffered, or reasonably expects to suffer, a harm attributable in whole or in part’ to government inaction to file a ‘citizen suit.’ The term ‘harm’ is broadly defined as ‘any effect of air pollution (including climate change) occurring or at risk of occurring.’”
Here is another blog from TPM that provides a little more detail about what he's proposing.
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