Every 3 years states are expected to review their water quality standards and propose changes. This is referred to as the "triennial review" and it is required under the CleanWater Act. The West Virginia DEP intends to conduct a triennial review during the 2010-2011 rulemaking time frame, and the following public notice invites comments on the process. That's a long way away, but the DEP is giving everyone a lot of advance notice so that those who want to do studies, or perform additional sampling and analysis, in order to support a proposed change to the standards will have time to do so.
The DEP has already held a meeting where it described the current status of its work with fish consumption (a factor used to set standards for substances that bioaccumulate in fish), nutrients, iron and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). If you have any interest in seeing the materials provided at the May, 2009 meeting, go here.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 @ 4:42 PM
Public Input on Water Quality Standards Accepted Until August 14
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s DEP Water Quality Standards Program is providing an opportunity for the public to submit information and data concerning the agency’s triennial review of the state’s water quality standards.
In response to a request for public input discussed at a public meeting on May 18, the DEP is offering a 45-day public comment period to allow involvement from West Virginia citizens.
All correspondence will need to be received by August 14, 2009, and should be mailed to:
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
ATTN: Water Quality Standards Program
601 57th Street S.E.
Charleston, WV 25304
Comments and information may also be e-mailed to Linda.B.Keller@wv.gov.
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