Don't say you were never asked - the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection is asking for water quality data. This is the public's chance to provide evidence that streams should, or should not be listed on the 303(d) list of impaired streams. The notice follows:
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection is compiling water quality data on the state’s streams and lakes for its next Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report.
This report is developed by DEP and submitted to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency every two years as required by the federal Clean Water Act. The report includes the Section 303(d) list of impaired waters.
The next report is due in April 2010 and will be based upon water quality data collected through June 30, 2009.
In addition to data collected directly by the DEP, the agency will compile and assess water quality data collected by other persons, agencies, watershed associations, or permitted facilities. Data should be sent to Steve Stutler at, (304) 926-0499, Ext. 1086, or Steve Young at, (304) 926-0499, Ext. 1042. The deadline to submit data is Sep. 30, 2009.
A data form is available to download at
Documentation describing the collection and analytical methodologies associated with the data should be provided as it will help the agency assess data quality. If data was subject to a quality assurance/quality control plan, submit it with the data. For an example of a QA/QC plan, go to
Although electronic data submission is highly preferred and encouraged, non-electronic submissions may be sent to the DEP at the Division of Water and Waste Management, Attn: Steve Young, 601 57th St. S.E., Charleston, WV 25304.
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