Anne Blankenship reports that EPA is offering a webinar that may be helpful to those with air emissions subject to greenhouse gas reporting. She sent along the following from Megan Murphy at the DEP, noting especially the last paragraph, which suggests that efforts will be made to harmonize sate reporting with federal reporting.
This message is your notification of an upcoming webinar, Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule, Detailed Presentation, offered by EPA on February 24, 2010, 1:00 to 3:00 pm EST (Click here to Register). This webinar is free.
You are receiving this e-mail because your company may have one or more facilities that could be subject to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Mandatory Reporting Rule of Greenhouse Gases (MRR-GHG). The threshold for reporting is 25,000 metric tons or more of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent per year, except for certain source categories that are required to report regardless of emissions levels. A summary of the MRR-GHG, developed by EPA’s Office of Atmospheric Programs, is attached.
Subject facilities should have begun collecting data on January 1, 2010, with the first emissions report due on March 31, 2011 for emissions during calendar year 2010. Facilities report directly to EPA under this rule.
Note: the MRR-GHG rule does not cover 2009 emissions and differs from the Emissions Inventory reporting required by the WV Division of Air Quality (DAQ). The WV state Emissions Inventory requires reporting GHG emissions. The DAQ plans to request changes to the West Virginia Code that will allow us to harmonize with the federal requirements in the future.
Megan R. Murphy
GHG Coordinator
WV Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Air Quality
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