The state Department of Environmental Protection will conduct a public meeting pertaining to Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development for impaired streams in the Cheat Watershed. The meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., April 26 at the Tucker County Senior Center, 206 Third St., in Parsons, W.Va.
The meeting will discuss the pollution reduction strategies for restoring water quality in the streams selected for TMDL development.
A TMDL is a plan of action used to clean up streams that are not meeting water quality standards. During the meeting, the DEP will present its plans for allocating pollutant loads among various sources. After consideration of public comments, the DEP will make final allocation decisions and develop draft TMDLs. Draft TMDLs will be presented for public comment and an additional public meeting will be held at that time. TMDLs are scheduled to be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency no later than Sept. 30, 2010.
For more information about this meeting, please contact Steve Young at (304) 926-0495. For more information on TMDLs, go to
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