Background: Recent improvements in analytical detection capabilities and the availability of these methods to researchers via commercial labs have now enabled water resource managers to conduct studies such as this on broader spatial scales and on a wider range of compounds. Analytes are now being detected and quantified in the part per trillion (ng/L) range. In 2002,ORSANCOfs Research Committee identified Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) as a top research priority. Research has demonstrated there are many sources of CECs to the environment, including wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), confined animal feeding
operations (CAFOs), industrial discharges, etc. It has been shown that WWTPs are not currently designed to remove these chemicals to the very low levels, nor are they required by regulatory agencies to do so. Therefore, we anticipated finding detectable levels of CECs in the Ohio River at locations below possible sources and potentially at background areas.
To date, little information is available regarding possible human health risk, however, it is more generally accepted that risks have been demonstrated for aquatic species exposed to these compounds. Understanding possible ecological risks was considered a primary purpose for the Commissionfs research efforts on CECs. In 2005, ORSANCO collaborated with USEPA to conduct a pilot study on the Ohio River. This study targeted a limited list of endocrine disrupting chemicals which included steroid hormones and alkylphenolic compounds. Methods employed during the pilot study enabled researchers to detect the presence of steroid hormones, but
quantification was not possible. It was determined that future efforts should include a broader list of chemicals and provide reportable quantities.
Study Overview: In September and October, 2009, single grab samples were collected from 22 locations on the mainstem Ohio River and the lower reaches of tributaries. Target analytes included 158 compounds considered to be contaminants of emerging concern or emerging contaminants.
o 118 ] Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)
o 27 ] Hormones and Sterols
o 13 ] Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
ORSANCO Releases Data Report on Emerging Contaminants
ORSANCO has released a final data report regarding the results of monitoring for emerging contaminants, such as hormones and endocrine disruptors. The following was taken from the Executive Summary. Unfortunately, I haven't located a link to the study in my quick look at the ORSANCO site.
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