Studies come out all the time on both sides of the global warming debate. The contradictory studies don't prove or disprove the global warming hypothesis, but they do, or should, put an end to the arrogant argument that "the science is settled" with regard to whether the world is facing dramatic, unimaginable warming in the coming decades. Two new studies come down squarely on the skeptic side in suggesting the earth's biosphere is doing just fine, thanks.
Skeptics acknowledge that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, that mankind has increased the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, and increases in CO2 may have some warming effect. That part is not really in dispute. The real issues are whether the warming due to anthropogenic CO2 is significant and increasing out of control, and whether the degree of warming seen to date has a negative effect on earth's ecosystems. Even if there is a negative effect, do the benefits derived from stopping small amounts of warming exceed the significant cost, in lives and lifestyle changes, incurred by reducing fossil fuel use to bring down CO2 levels?
Thanks to Watts Up With That for highlighting these studies.
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