WASHINGTON — The Obama administration cut corners before concluding that climate-change pollution can endanger human health, a key finding underpinning costly new regulations, an internal government watchdog said Wednesday.The Endangerment Finding was the foundation of all the GHG regulations that have followed its issuance in December of 2009. EPA has been criticized for failing to evaluate the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change report that was the primary basis for EPA's actions, and this report by the IG seems to confirm those complaints. If an objective analysis of the IPCC report is performed, it is not likely to stand close scrutiny in light of the evidence that has mounted against anthropogenic global warming since that report was issued.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
EPA Inspector General Criticizes EPA Climate Change Endangerment Finding Procedures
The Inspector General of the EPA has just issued a report concluding that EPA did not follow its own guidelines for reviewing data before it concluded that that greenhouse gases pose an environmental danger, referred to as the Endangerment Finding. The following sentence is taken from the AP and Washington Post:
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