Anne Blankenship of Robinson & McElwee reports the following about the DEP plans for its greenhouse gas reporting program:
As you may recall, late last year we were told by WV DAQ that reporting of GHG for the 2008 AEI reporting year would be voluntary. However, Rick Wilson of Acacia Environmental Group LLC reports that he has just learned through DAQ that GHG reporting will be mandatory for WV DAQ's current AEI reporting year (for CY2008 emissions). This guidance is not yet on DAQ's web site. Rick reports that the guidance that 2008 GHG emission reporting is mandatory will be contained within the DAQ's 2008 AEI Request Letter, which was mailed yesterday morning to all sources required to submit a 2008 AEI report (which are the Title V permitted sources in WV). All affected sources should receive their 2008 AEI Request Letter from DAQ no later than this Friday’s mail delivery.
The requirements for mandatory GHG reporting will follow DAQ's Rule 42 (45CSR42).
Tom Boggs of the WV Chamber also reports from RickWilson that
The calendar year 2008 AEI submittal deadline is 6/30/09.
DAQ will require an earlier AEI submittal deadline beginning with the 2009 calendar year inventories. The calendar year 2009 AEI submittal date in 2010 is not yet known.
Pursuant to the requirements of 45CSR42 “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Program,” the agency is now requiring that you provide emissions data for six categories of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollutants, as listed in Rule 42.
DAQ will provide extra assistance in estimating GHG emissions for those who request it, and
DAQ plans to hold a related workshop in Charleston during early May.
Sources are to transmit via e-mail their 2008 AEI electronic submissions to
DAQ’s point of contact for AEI continues to be David Porter (304/926-0499, Ext. 1699), whose new e-mail address is
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