Environmental rules developed by the DEP, like most administrative rules in WV, have to be approved by the Legislature before they become effective. They are generally bundled together and approved collectively. Here Tom Boggs of the WV Chamber of Commerce reports on their status as this session of the Legislature winds to a close. Check here if you're waiting for a rule to be approved for final promulgation, usually a couple months after the session ends.
The House Judiciary Committee passed this afternoon, SB 153, the bundle of environmental rules that includes:
45 CSR 16 Standards of performance for new stationary sources
33 CSR 20 Hazardous waste management systems
33 CSR 22 Assessment of civil administrative penalties
33 CSR 24 Hazardous waste management fee
38 CSR 2 Surface mining reclamation
45 CSR 1 Control and reduction of nitrogen oxides from nonelectric-generating units as a means of mitigating the transport of ozone precursors.
45 CSR 8 Ambient air quality standards
45 CSR 13 Permit for construction , modification, relocation and operation of stationary sources of air pollutants, notification requirements, administrative updates, temporary permits, general permits, permission to commence construction and procedures for evaluation.
45 CSR 14 Permits for construction and major modification of major stationary sources of air pollution for the prevention of significant deterioation.
45 CSR 25 Control of air pollution from hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities.
45 CSR 26 Nox budget trading program as a means of control and reduction of nitrogen oxides from electric-generating units.
45 CSR 34 Emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
45 CSR 37 Mercury budget trading program to reduce mercury emissions.
47 CSR 30 WV/NPDES rules for coal mining facilities
47 CSR 31 State water pollution control revolving fund
47 CSR 32 Environmental laboratories certification and standards of performance
47 CSR 34 Dam safety
47 CSR 56 Assessment of civil administrative penalties
60 CSR 3 Voluntary remediation and redevelopment
There were no amendments to any of the rules meaning that they will move forward as originally proposed by the agency to the Secretary of State's Office last summer and more importantly as they were approved by the Senate.
SB 153 will now be reported to the House floor for passage.
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